Do Guinea Pigs Make Good Pets?


Guinea Pigs are pets with big personalities, cuddly and are fairly independent. However, it’s good to research and find out what is involved in owning a Guinea Pig. Chomponthat offers up some fun facts to know before getting a Guinea Pig. According to Spruce Pets, here are some fun facts to know before getting a Guinea Pig.

  1. Guinea Pigs are Social Animals

Guinea Pigs are social animals and love to be with other Guinea pigs. If purchasing or keeping two Guinea pigs together its best to keep same-sex Guinea Pigs together so there is no need for unwanted litters. There are many types of Guinea pig breeds so it’s best to get them both as babies so they can bond at an early age.

2. Guinea Pigs Need Vitamin C and Hay

Unlike humans, Guinea Pigs cannot manufacture their own Vitamin C, so they need to get this vitamin from their diet or a supplement. There are many types of Vitamin C to purchase for your Guinea Pig, There are treats and also drops. There are many types of Hay that you can purchase. Timothy Hay is a good source of fiber and aids in digestion and helps to wear down their teeth, which grow continuously. There is also Orchard Grass Hay. This hay is a green, fruity-smelling grass hay which many small animals enjoy. Choosing a good diet, fresh fruits and veggies and roughage-dried grass or hay will keep your Guinea Pig healthy for years to come.

3. Guinea Pigs need Large Cages

Guinea Pigs Need large cages that have a large floor space to roam. Most people who have Guinea Pigs usually make their own cages. Some of the Guinea Pig cages that are sold in stores can be too small. Omlet has some really great cages to purchase and also create your own or add on. Omlet allows you to add on to your cage to extend it and even add tunnels.

4. Guinea Pigs love to Hide and Explore

These little “fluff balls” have excellent hearing and smelling capabilities. They can also see above and behind of their bodies due to the shape of their heads. They enjoy outdoor time and love to be stimulated but also like to hide. Hideouts and tunnels enable Guinea Pigs to feel safe and secure and can be purchased at your local pet supply stores.

5. Guinea Pigs are prone to Health problems

Most Guinea pigs can go through their whole lifetime without any major health problems however, sometimes this is not the case. Some Guinea Pigs can develop the following health issues throughout their life: dental disease, scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), abscesses, tumors, gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases like bumblefoot, respiratory infections, inner ear infections. If you notice your Guinea pig is acting differently reach out to your vet immediately to make sure nothing is wrong. As a small animal, any one of these health issues if go untreated could shorten your pet’s life.

In conclusion, be sure to feed your pet an appropriate diet and keep a clean cage for them and they should live a long happy life and provide enjoyment for the whole family!